Below is the list of packages we offer at ATC to help you reach your goals. We will be working with you throughout the process, pushing and pulling you every step of the way.
Things you can expect throughout our time together:
- Communication: this is to make sure our plan is working properly, and that we’re monitoring your health and your efforts.
- Training / nutrition transparency: If you follow everything or are missing things on the plan
- Answers: You and I will answer all questions and concerns between us both, and make sure there is a clear understanding.
- Weekly Check-ins: mandatory on every plan
- A Detailed Training Program: listed reps and sets along with rest times, also any intensity techniques, frequency and loads.
- Supplements: We will recommend over the counter brands for your goals.
- Protocols: Our sets of fitness rules are based off timelines and bloodwork.
Things I expect from you:
- Effort: You should be giving 100% to your diet and training.
- Honesty: If you slip up anywhere I want you to be fully transparent and own it.
- Punctuality: Be here for your check-ins on time. No check-ins after 12 PM on your check-in day.
- Daily Status Report: Wake up on check-in day, take your weight and then pictures, this should be attached to your weekly check in sheet to be filled out and emailed to me.
There is a three month commitment (12 weeks) for initial sign-ons. The initial cost of your 12-week starting program is $650. Following this period, the option of a month to month program is available at $225 a month.
The listing below is for paid in full denominations. When you receive your full plan, that is your start date, and we calculate your time from there.
I do not allow plans to get out on hold unless there is an extreme reason. For you to be successful and achieve your desired goals, it’s important that you are held accountable just as much as me to make sure we are working together.
Please limit text correspondence unless it is also an extreme situation. All correspondence and questions should be asked during your mandatory weekly check-ins, and I will answer them in your updates.
All packages include the same access to me and my services.
Month to Month Competition Packages
- 3 months = $650 (then $225/mo)
- 6 months = $1,300 (then $225/mo)
- 1 year = $2,400 (then $225/mo)
Please be advised that once you sign up there will be no refunds for any reason. By signing on you grew agree of a forfeiture if you are unable to follow your program. Your agreement to payment consents to automatic draft of your monthly payments through a stripe. All cancellations require at least 30 days advance notice.
Order Your Package
Training Subscription $225.00 / month $650.00 for first 12 weeks. Then monthly payments.
Training Package $650.00 – $2,400.00